Prof. Samuel Otu Gyandoh


Mangowa Ghanney

Yours was a life truly well lived, Prof. Overflowing with a joie de vivre that touched many a life. The Ayeekoos follow you from many hearts, even as they welcomed you as you crossed over, I’m sure.

Many have paid tribute to your academic and professional achievements, and deservingly so, but for me it is the warmth and embrace of yours and Mama Lou’s home all those years, that I most cherish. You were a tie that bound many of us in a country that was not our own, but that we called home for one reason or the other. Your home welcomed us many a time and many a year  with  happiness and warmth. There was always good company, and many times also, good food, music and cheer. I remember you teaching my three or so years old Zena how to dance highlife. She was thrilled and still remembers that fondly. Your infectious laughter, the way you dismissed little bothers that really meant nothing, and how you understood why a little girl cried because you gave another a dollar and not her, so you gave her a dollar too. You just had that way with everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.

I smile with memories and nostalgia, as I write this tribute. In 1982, you welcomed me into your family, and they became mine too, when I came to Temple U and they joined you in Philly shortly thereafter.

The last time I saw you was at the bar conference at Central University in Ada. It was good to have a chance to sit and chat with you again after a while. Enye Nyame nnk), Prof. The Lord keep you and guide you and go with you each day.